Top 20 Best Selling Drinks & Smoothies Baby Food (2022)

It contains 100 Percent squished strawberries, raspberries, apples and bananas with a dash of lemon juice. Just an organic smoothie fruit snack, with nothing else added, not even water. It contains lovely pieces of fruit and vegetable recommended each day ... more info

Ingredients: Aniseed, fennel, caraway, camomile, thyme Organically grown herbs, 100% natural, no added flavourings, sugar and caffeine free 20 seal-wrapped tea bags (total of 40g) Fennel, aniseed, camomile and caraway are used since generations to relieve ... more info

Baby's Bliss GripeWater is America's first all natural herbal supplement used to ease the gas and stomach pain often associated with colic, hiccups, and teething. Made with organic Ginger and Fennel, Baby's Bliss GripeWater is recommended by pediatricians ... more info

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